
The Monster Directive's Feyforged Store

Created by The Monster Directive

Where all my past projects are available as add-ons and you can also grab the latest campaign Feyforged!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

An Amazing Day 1!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 12:13:27 PM

Hey everyone! 

For me this is the first day down for probably most of you we are well into the second day. These time zone differences make it a little strange sometimes 😅

First off I want to say I'm still in shock! And thank you all for your support! Thanks to you we blitzed past the funding goal and have even unlocked not just the 1st but the 4th stretch goal! I'm going to move the chart up further so it's easier to see and add something to say yep it's unlocked.

Your support has been amazing and thank you to everyone who has filled in the survey. It means I can avoid asking questions at the end and it also helps me to improve and know what you all want/love about the project.

If anyone has any questions or queries feel free to ask.

I hope you're all having either a great start to your weekend or a happy Friday!
