
The Monster Directive's Feyforged Store

Created by The Monster Directive

Where all my past projects are available as add-ons and you can also grab the latest campaign Feyforged!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Project and Happy Holidays!
3 months ago – Sun, Dec 01, 2024 at 11:40:08 PM

Hey! I thought that since we are in the holiday season I would share with you some highlights of this year and also what's in store in only a few more days!

Feyforged set a record for the Monster Directive at the beginning of the year and what a year it has been. We managed to push out 3 campaigns, yes, it was less than in previous years but the work involved with each one has grown as time has passed to try and bring to you the best. 

There's been a few ups and down moments such is life with programs stopping working, the very long delay due to constant printing errors for The Dragon's Vault is still in my memory bank. But all in all it's been an amazing year thanks to your support!

So here is the last project for this year! We cannot contain our excitement as we present the Monster Directive’s final campaign of 2024 to you:

Monsters At Their Core

For this campaign, The Monster Directive has partnered with CR Guardian as co-writer, Foundry VTT developer, and voice of your friendly Hot Air Balloon Spider (HABS for short). He is a great example of exactly where The Monster Directive wants to move towards. With people in the community becoming part of the team. 

He’s backed over 400 Kickstarter Campaigns and has gotten his editorial hands on several during the journey. He’ll also be tracking backer activity, as participation is advised in order to further unlock the many stretch goals we’re hoping to unlock and develop for you!

HABS, you’re up.

* Floating down from the ceiling, the Hot Air Balloon Spider Bares its Fangs *

“Oh, hey there, humans, dragonborn, gods, and so forth… Let’s just say you choose to ignore all the twisted and marvelous monsters these two chaos driven yahoos manage to flatten between the pages. I’d say you’re nuts, and to your face. But let’s just imagine all you find useful are the cores. You’d still have 42,000 possible combinations when using the Monster Manual alone with its 350 monsters. That’s BEFORE stretch goals are even considered. Some would call them insane. I often do, and to their faces. What else, they got? Let’s see...”

(Add to the Stretch Goal EXP earnt before the campaign goes live:Sign Up!)

Get Notified at Launch!

While we get up and running, if you're itching to back something else in the meantime, here's a shout-out to our good friend, Kevin Fannin, who is developing a mechanic for DND 5E. Kefa Studios poses the question: What if a player could ride in on a Polar Bear to joust against a spell wielding opponent riding a giant, black scorpion? I don’t know about you, but that’s a question I want answered in their current Kickstarter Campaign: Complete Guide to Jousting 5E


Thanks for you support!

-Jadyn (The Monster Directive)


2nd Wave of Sending
8 months ago – Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 06:31:39 PM

Hey all!

Sorry it’s taken a bit to do this but I've sent everyone that’s updated their survey after the initial release date their codes for the POD copy of Feyforged.

Hopefully everyone gets it but let me know if you haven't 😊

If you haven't checked it out yet the latest project has 3 days left until the campaigns over

 Check it Out

Thanks for your support!


Feyforged Hardcover Codes Sent!
9 months ago – Tue, Jun 04, 2024 at 05:34:31 AM

Hey everyone!

Quickish update, you should all hopefully have gotten an email from drivethrurpg with your POD codes for Feyforged. Let me know if for some reason you haven’t gotten it and I’ll send the link to you 😊

On a similar note anyone that ordered The Dragon’s Vault I’m afraid there’s a delay due to the proof having a major printing error. I’m hoping I can get this sorted quickly and not have the same response as last time that the file was sent like that. It’s coming and ready don’t worry I just want to make sure that you get the best version and not have the headers and images blacked out like what happened in this print 😊 

Thanks so much for your patience and support!


Proofs Arrived!
10 months ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 04:55:59 AM


So I know you’ve all been waiting since the last update and I got the proofs yesterday! 

So there’s good news and bad news.

Let’s start with the bad first. The Dragon’s Vault has some major printing issues which weren’t there the first time I got it printed so I need to contact them and get it sorted because I’m not sure how problems can suddenly appear with no changes haha.

The good news is Feyforged looks great! Which means I’ll be getting the codes sorted and sent out to your emails so you’ll be able to order a copy of it yourself 😊

Here are couple of photos of how it turned out.


Printing Update and a New Adventure!
10 months ago – Thu, May 16, 2024 at 09:42:01 PM

Hey all! I thought I should give you all an update on where the printed version of the book is sitting.

Not on my shelf yet…but! I submitted the files yesterday and just waiting for the green light go ahead to get a proof copy sent out. Once I've got the proof and it all looks good I can start sending everyone that pledged for one their codes 😊

A short update but just keeping you in the loop.

Also if you haven't seen any of my emails I'm getting ready to launch the next campaign. This one is going to be my first adventure released! Not just any adventure but a node based adventure which makes exploration and the choices from your players more meaningful and organic.

I guess I should also give you a little bit more info on the adventure itself.

Skydrift: Ashan’s Bounty takes you to the Skylands, where floating islands offer unlimited exploration. Discover the legendary treasure of Ashan, navigating unpredictable hazards in the Dire Strait as player choices reshape the very world around them.

Check It Out and Sign Up!