Today is the Day!
11 months ago
– Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 04:53:50 AM
Hey everyone! I want to thank you all for your amazing patience and support. Yes you read the title of this correctly today is the day! In fact it should, if it all worked, be in your email as I speak.
So you should all have an email from drivethrurpg where you can get your copy of Feyforged. This is just the PDF at the moment I want to wait and make sure there aren't any glaringly obvious errors that I've missed before I put it to the printers. It's ready to go printer wise so there won't be any delay. I want to have it sent to them by this time next week so then everyone can start ordering their books. I'll definitely post an update of the actual book when it does arrive.
Going backwards a bit on what I was saying so you should have an email from drivethrurpg but you should also, if you've purchased any addons/past projects, have an email from Backerkit which is where I've decided to distribute the addons. The headache of creating a million segments would have taken a lot longer and I'm sure you just would rather have your hands on it than not. That being said if you do want a copy sent to your drivethrurpg account then PM me and I can do that for you.
Those of you who also ordered The Dragon's Vault POD version and previous backers waiting for their discount for it I've resubmitted the files and I'm waiting for their go ahead to get another proof sent and then I can hopefully send you those codes.
Phew! That all being said I hope you enjoy the book!
Thanks again for your support!
Almost There!
11 months ago
– Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 02:55:43 AM
Hey everyone!
I know you've all been waiting patiently for both an update and the actual project. Thank you so much for that patience and support.
You should all have gotten a notification that orders are being locked. Does that mean it's ready to go? Not quite but it's close enough that I'm starting the lock down process.
Once orders are locked if you've purchased any addons via Backerkit you'll get another email letting you know that your card will be charged in 48hrs (so in around 4 days time).
Once that's all done I'll start getting those add-ons out to you all and then, either at the same time or shortly afterwards, the actual project.
Below are some of the pages from the book hopefully you like the look and it'll all be on its way to you in a few more days!
Writing Complete!
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 10:59:54 PM
Phew! Who would have thought 400 odd rewards would take so long to write! I've been a bit slower than expected with both this update and writing but I should, now it's written, be progressing at a much faster pace.
Thanks to everyone for their patience I know it's been a bit silent and some of you might be wondering what's happening.
So what are the next steps? Well I need to go back over and read it all so it makes sense, there's no double ups etc etc. After that it's putting it into published format then getting it to the printers. It reads faster than it takes but it's only the finer things which take time.
Speaking of printers I've had the previous project The Dragon’s Vault sent and I got the first set of proofs. A few modifications are needed before it's complete but that should be resolved with the next upload. I've attached the images below of the cover and first page so you can see how it turned out.
Like this project I'll be putting it through with a standard colour and premium colour print option so you can decide how much you want to pay. In all honesty with The Dragon’s Vault there was no difference in colour but the premium felt nicer as I flicked through the pages they felt almost silky, but that was the only difference between them.
I hope everyone is going alright and thanks again for your patience.
*You might get an email from me in the coming weeks about the next project but it won't be launched on here until this one is complete so don't worry and it may very well be that you won't get the email until it is sent but just a heads up anyway.
-Jadyn (The Monster Directive)
Wowzer! The Home Stretch!
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 05:03:41 AM
Thank you to everyone for your supercalifragilisticexpialidocious support! I think I'm in a bit of shock that we've almost hit the "final" stretch goal.
Which means we now have 342 rewards!
We are also starting the downward drop of the rollercoaster to the finish line for the project which is exciting and also a little bit scary with this amount of rewards. I'm naturally busy writing what feels like nonstop between the other aspects of life but it highlights how much I love doing this.
Which means it's also time I asked you. What would you like to see as potential stretch goals to add to the existing ones?
Let me know in the comments below or in the normal comments, the choice is wide open.
Hope you've all had a great week and moving into an even better weekend!
Project Spotlight!
I haven't really done one of these for a long time but I like that fellow creators can get together and share each other's campaigns to spread the word.
Battle for the Realm Trilogy is the final book in the Eastern Farraway Adventures campaign
and completes the series.
The campaign consists of five books with more than 800 pages, 15 linked fantasy adventures
that take the characters from level 1 to 15, and five extensive compendiums.
The Eastern Farraway Adventures books in the series:
➛ Hunter’s Full Moon Trilogy
➛ Secrets of the Drow Trilogy
➛ Rise of the Ice Dragons Trilogy
➛ The Prophecy of Nine Omens Trilogy
➛ Battle for the Realm Trilogy
The complete Eastern Farraway Adventures series is available as a discounted pledge reward bundle and as add-ons during the campaign.
Prepare to be whisked away on a whimsical journey with "A Few Kittens More," the latest 5e adventure from Dark Eagle Games! A customizable adventure with optional content so you can tailor it to what you and your players want -- puzzles, combat, exploration, roleplaying, and more. This is part 2 of the For A Kitten Saga, where we ask your players if they would save the world for a Kitten. Join the fun here.
Are you a seeker of the strange, the unexplainable, the inexplicably mesmerizing? Are you looking for a special somethin'-somethin' to spice up your heroes' day at the local market? Venture no further, brave travellers, for you have come to the right place.
Dive into a treasure trove of 100 original baubles, trinkets, and oddities, meticulously crafted for DnD 5E and adaptable to any TTRPG system. Mr. Purrson has wares if you have coin!
Follow the project page and get a FREE welcome bundle!
Wow! Stretch Goals Bonanza!
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 01:03:12 AM
Hey! Short update (I'm serious it's not long)
Thanks everyone for your support for the project we are flying through the stretch goals!
So far we've unlocked:
- 10 more awesome Items
- 20 more wacky Curses
- 10 more faithful Companions
- 60 more seasonal Blessings
Which is incredible 😊
I'd love to know out of these is there anything you'd like to see within them?
Thank you all once again you're amazing!